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Queen Camilla visited a London school to encourage childhood reading

I tend to believe there are two kinds of people in the world: people who get along with seniors and people who get along with children. I get along better with older people. So does the Princess of Wales, and I’ve said for years that it’s a huge missed opportunity that Kate doesn’t have more patronages related to seniors. Instead, the palace has always tried to force her into this Early Years crap, all so she can get Diana-esque photo-ops with kids. Well, guess who’s using the same playbook? Queen Camilla, like Kate, gets along better with older folks. Birds of a feather and all that. But because she’s queen, her people think she needs to do some softer photo-ops with kids. On Wednesday, Camilla visited a primary school in west London. The purpose of her visit was all about one of her big causes these days, “people should read books.” Hey, at least she’s not pretending to be a credible Early Years expert.

The Queen was asked: “Are you the Queen?” by an excited seven-year-old pupil during a visit to a primary school on Wednesday.

“That’s me!” she cheerily responded as she chatted to the Year Two pupils at Christ Church CofE Primary School in Chelsea, west London.

Her Majesty also met a young Charles and a Kamilla during the visit and expressed mock surprise as she came face-to-face with a mosaic of the King at his Coronation.

“Oh my goodness, that’s my husband!” she laughed as she admired the children’s work.

The Queen, who wore a floral black and white Fiona Clare dress, was visiting the school to hear about a literary festival in which pupils are sponsored to read books. She heard about the various activities the school is using to promote reading for pleasure among its young pupils.

She told the children they “must keep on reading forever and ever” and that if they did so, by the time they were grown up they would be “stars”.

[From The Telegraph]

I’m including lots of photos from the visit in this post. I didn’t see any major gaffes, which Cam will probably mark down as a win. She staggered around, talking to children and praying that someone would bring her a Spongebob thermos full of gin. The photos of Cam in the middle of that huge group of kids is crazy too, because I’m sure she was copying the Duchess of Sussex.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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