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Princess Eugenie & Zara Tindall attended the Cheltenham Festival

Increasingly, one of my favorite things is when there’s some huge royal story happening, and then in the background, other royals and royal-adjacents are carrying on like nothing is happening. The international media and social media has turned the Princess of Wales’s disappearance and the Mother’s Day photo fiasco into the biggest story of the week, and something which easily overshadowed the OSCARS, for the love of god. There’s been a sh-t ton of coverage across the board, and it’s a global catastrophe for the Windsors. And in the background, we’re getting the Cheltenham Festival, a horserace which is well-attended by royals and the well-heeled.

Yesterday was “Ladies Day” (or something, I won’t get into it) at Cheltenham, and it was attended by Queen Camilla, Princess Eugenie, Jack Brooksbank, Zara Tindall and Mike Tindall. Celebrities were there, as were horsey aristocrats. Eugenie, Jack, Zara and Mike all acted as if they didn’t have a care in the world, like none of the Kensington Palace fiasco sh-t was still churning away. I guess when it’s an event you really want to attend, it doesn’t matter. It would probably also look worse if no one from the family attended this big horse event which the royals always attend every year. Like, if no one turned up, we would definitely think that both the king and Princess of Wales were dying, right?

Anyway, Zara looked nice in her pantsuit, but most women wore dresses and smart coats, like Eugenie. Eugenie just comes and goes as she pleases – whenever we haven’t seen her in a while, I just assume that she and Jack are in Portugal, where he’s been working for almost two years, I believe. Jack looks like a supporting character in an adaptation of a John le Carre book. So does Mike Tindall, honestly.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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