Prince William’s friend: Harry would ‘love to be given a part-time royal role’

Over the weekend, the Mail on Sunday ran a huge front-page story about Prince Harry’s “desperation” to come back to the royal fold. Sources told the Mail that Harry wants to come back ALONE to do William’s work and be William’s scapegoat, and that Harry’s friends are begging the institution to give Harry a ribbon-cutting job. I feel strongly that this whole thing came from Kensington Palace and Prince William, likely because William, KP and the British media were all stunned that Harry quietly flew into England for Robert Fellowes’ funeral. The big “tell” that everything came from Huevo is that within the fantasist storyline, sources kept insisting that William was still furious with Harry and William would never allow Harry to come back. After the Mail got the ball rolling, “sources close to Harry” came out and said: that Mail story is bullsh-t and of course Harry has no interest in coming back to the royal fold. Well, now egg-sources have run to the Daily Beast’s Royalist to put a bow on William’s pathetic attempt to create this storyline.

The fragile ceasefire between Prince William and Prince Harry which allowed both brothers to attend their uncle’s funeral last week, collapsed in spectacular style Tuesday, as the brothers camps returned to slinging insults and demands at each other.

Prince William’s office declined to comment but allies of the prince told The Daily Beast that Harry was “a broken record” who was “pretending to not get the message that he is not wanted” after Harry’s camp told U.K. paper the Mirror that the exiled prince would be “prepared” to undertake some royal duties if he was asked to do so by the king, but only if he received an “apology” from Prince William.

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The report in the Mirror said Harry remained happy with his decision to leave the royal family but would be “open” to taking up a temporary role within the family to “help out” if he was asked to do so by the king, and William apologized.

Prince William’s office declined to comment but a friend of Prince William told The Daily Beast: “Harry is a broken record at this stage. We all know he would love to be given a part-time royal role, but Queen Elizabeth was very clear that he couldn’t be half in and half out. Nothing has changed. Whoever is promulgating these ludicrous theories on Harry’s behalf is simply pretending to not get the message that he is not wanted. They are either very thick or pretending to be.”

[From The Daily Beast]

“Harry is a broken record at this stage. We all know he would love to be given a part-time royal role.” Harry’s broken record is that he’s repeatedly been asked if he wants to go back to do royal work and he’s repeatedly said no, he’s happy in California. Harry’s stated goals are more nuanced: he would actually like to be able to return to the UK for visits with family and to do some charity work within the UK. He wants to be able to see his cancer-stricken father without layers of horsey bureaucracy. William and the British media have interpreted Harry’s stated goals as “Harry is desperate to come back!” Anyway, I’m starting to get the feeling that William is doing too much to push these narratives because some sh-t is going down in other areas. Like… WTF is happening with Kate these days? Notice that no one is talking about that. Notice how this storyline has overshadowed all things Buttons.

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“Whoever is promulgating these ludicrous theories on Harry’s behalf is simply pretending to not get the message that he is not wanted. They are either very thick or pretending to be.” What a self-own by William, the thick one who is promulgating these ludicrous stories.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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