Prince William will appear in an episode of Jeremy Clarkson’s ‘Clarkson’s Farm’

Prince William was out and about on Wednesday for his first day of work this week. Seriously. William went to Pensford to speak to some of the Duchy of Cornwall’s tenant farmers. So…the landlord did a photo-op and a brief conversation with some of his tenants, basically. The event was supposed to be about mental health in farming, which is William’s latest cause. Sure, he cared about mental health and racism in football, but you’re forgetting that he already solved that. The new issue is “a slumlord cares about the mental health of his tenants.” But that wasn’t the only thing on the agenda for William! He also stopped by Diddly Squat Farm, a working farm owned by Jeremy Clarkson, a farm which has its own reality show (called Clarkson’s Farm). Now it appears that this visit was the whole reason why William was in the area in the first place. He’s going to be on TV too, Harold!

The Prince of Wales is to appear on an episode of Clarkson’s Farm after Kaleb Cooper, the show’s celebrity farmhand, joined him on a royal engagement. Prince William, 42, was joined by Cooper and other stars of Amazon’s top-rating UK series, including Charlie Ireland, when he met young farmers in Somerset on Wednesday.

An Amazon Prime camera crew followed the heir to the throne’s trip to Folly Farm, in a 250-acre nature reserve in Pensford, Chew Valley, where he was raising awareness of mental health care for farmers.

The Prince revealed that his eldest son, 11-year-old Prince George, was a fan of the show and would be tuning in to the special episode. The heir to the throne told the breakout star of Clarkson’s Farm, well known for his squabbles with Jeremy Clarkson: “You’ve got George watching now. I said to him: ‘What shall I say if I meet Kaleb?’ He said: ‘Tell Kaleb to mind his language.’”

Cooper, 26, joked with the Prince about how much he swears on the popular TV series, filmed on the former Top Gear presenter’s Diddly Squat Farm in Oxfordshire.

He admitted: “I did get told off for swearing too much … I tried to stop, but at the same time, it’s awesome. That’s what I like about the whole show. I’ve had so many people thank me, going, ‘You brought the family together.’ It’s a great feeling.”

Cooper greeted the Prince by telling him “great hair’ and the Prince laughed as he responded: “Is that your clean shirt?” and “Are they the cleanest [shoes] you’ve got?”

[From The Telegraph]

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I don’t watch Clarkson’s Farm, but apparently Clarkson himself appears in it quite often (he has top billing). This is the same Jeremy Clarkson who once wrote in a British tabloid column that the Duchess of Sussex should be “made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant, ‘Shame!’ and throw lumps of excrement at her. Everyone who’s my age thinks the same way.” Clarkson wrote that in December 2022, just days after a holiday lunch with Queen Camilla. The palace never said one word about Clarkson’s violently hateful screed. And look, now the heir to the throne is going on Clarkson’s little reality show about a farm. I wonder what Clarkson’s next column will include.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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