<p id=”par-1_59″><a href=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/tag/actors/”>Actor</a> Nathan Fillion has been learning a lot about the film industry ever since his early <a href=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/news/nathan-fillion-reacted-one-life-to-live-getting-canceled.html/”>days on <em>One Life to Live</em></a>. But the lessons continued even after he’d become a more established star. Out of all the shows Fillion had been on, however, one of the most important things he learned came from his time on <em>Desperate Housewives</em>.</p>
<h2 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”h-what-nathan-fillion-found-out-about-himself-doing-desperate-housewives”>What Nathan Fillion found out about himself doing ‘Desperate Housewives’</h2>
<figure class=”wp-block-image size-full” id=”emb-1″><img decoding=”async” src=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/desperate-housewives-nathan-fillion.webp?strip=all&quality=80″ alt=”Nathan Fillion posing next to Kevin Rahm in an episode of ‘Desperate Housewives’.” class=”wp-image-3789607″><figcaption class=”wp-element-caption”>UNITED STATES – SEPTEMBER 13: DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES – “Now I Know, Don’t Be Scared” – Edie Britt’s biggest fear comes true when Carlos walks out on their relationship, Susan finds Mike’s father — who was supposedly dead — and an unexpected delivery at Nathan Fillion | Ron Tom/Getty Images</figcaption></figure>
<p id=”par-2_40″>Fillion famously played Dana Delaney’s love interest, Adam Mayfair, throughout season 4 of <em>Desperate Housewives</em>. It wasn’t the first time he and Delaney played lovers, however, as the couple previously worked together in the old soap opera <em>Pasadena </em>as well.</p>
<p id=”par-3_62″>However, series creator Mark Cherry insisted that Fillion’s past with Delaney had nothing to do with him doing the drama. In a resurfaced interview with <a href=”https://www.assignmentx.com/2012/interview-desperate-housewives-creator-marc-cherry-talks-series-finale-and-eight-years-on-wisteria-lane/”>Assignment </a>X, Cherry revealed that he didn’t even really know who Fillion was before casting him. Cherry only had a vague familiarity with the actor thanks to his role on <em>Serenity </em>and <a href=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/news/nathan-fillion-named-firefly-turning-point-career.html/”>their connection to Joss Whedon</a>.</p>
<figure class=”wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio” id=”emb-2″><div class=”wp-block-embed__wrapper”>
<iframe title=”Desperate Housewives (Season 1)” width=”925″ height=”520″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/rAbKBUJ4NRY?feature=oembed” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” referrerpolicy=”strict-origin-when-cross-origin” allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p id=”par-4_78″>“I worked with Joss’ dad Tom Whedon on <em>Golden Girls</em>, so I’ve always followed Joss’ career, just because I knew his dad so well. What was funny is, when they said, ‘Nathan Fillion,’ I didn’t know who he was. I just remembered, ‘Oh, there was that really cute guy in <em>Serenity</em>. So they introduced us and we got to hang out and he’s one of the nicest guys in the world, so I said, ‘Come play with us,’” Cherry recalled.</p>
<p id=”par-5_30″>Behind the scenes, Fillion couldn’t have had a more pleasant experience on the show. So much so that it changed the way he’d approach to future film and television work.</p>
<p id=”par-6_64″>“I used to think, ‘I don’t care where I’m working. As long as there’s great people and fun stuff to do, I don’t care what part I get,’” Fillion once said according to <a href=”https://www.bostonherald.com/2009/03/09/nathan-fillion-says-novel-new-series-has-write-feel/”>Boston Herald</a>. “And then I did a season of <em>Desperate Housewives</em>, and I made a lot of great friends and they treated me very well and I had lots of fun.”</p>
<h2 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”h-why-nathan-fillion-wanted-to-do-desperate-housewives”>Why Nathan Fillion wanted to do ‘Desperate Housewives’</h2>
<figure class=”wp-block-image size-full” id=”emb-3″><img decoding=”async” src=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/nathan-fillion-desperate-housewives-2.webp?strip=all&quality=80″ alt=”Nathan Fillion sitting next to Eva Longoria in an episode of ‘Desperate Housewives’.” class=”wp-image-3789612″><figcaption class=”wp-element-caption”>Eva Longoria and Nathan Fillion | Ron Tom / Getty Images</figcaption></figure>
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<p id=”par-7_78″>In a resurfaced interview with <a href=”https://www.ign.com/articles/2007/08/08/exclusive-ign-tvs-one-on-one-with-nathan-fillion”>IGN</a>, Fillion acknowledged that his choice to do <em>Desperate Housewives </em>confused many of his fans. The actor had become known for <a href=”https://www.cheatsheet.com/news/nathan-fillion-shared-isnt-sci-fi-actor-everyone-thinks.html/”>being a sci-fi actor</a> thanks in large part to his roles in <em>Firefly </em>and <em>Buffy the Vampire Slayer</em>. But he reminded that his career was a lot more diverse than some gave it credit for. Taking into account his filmography as a whole, <em>Desperate Housewives </em>really didn’t stand out all that much.</p>
<p id=”par-8_63″>“When I got <em>Desperate Housewives</em> some people said, ‘Oh finally you’re getting a departure and doing something different.’ Well, I actually spent three years on a soap opera, so if anything it’s a return to my roots. So I think people are under a different impression, like the people sending you those emails. They have a somewhat unusual understanding of what’s going on,” he said.</p>
<p id=”par-9_20″>Furthermore, Fillion clarified that he did <em>Desperate Housewives </em>simply because the show’s actors made it look like a good time.</p>
<p id=”par-10_99″>“They’re obviously having a good time. And they’re obviously playing notes that are resonating with people. People are enjoying the show and having a good time. That appeals to me as an actor. This isn’t rocket science or manual labor of any kind. We’re play acting. I watched them doing it and I know they’re having fun. And I get there and I’m a guest in their house and they’re warm and welcoming and they’re sweet. It only makes it that much better, you can relax and just start playing with this wonderful game that they have,” he said.</p>