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Megyn Kelly: ‘I miss fat Oprah,’ Oprah lost her authenticity when she lost weight

A year ago, Oprah stepped out looking svelte. People gossiped that she was the latest Ozempic convert. Then in December, Oprah spoke about all of it – she has gone on one of the weight-loss drugs in consultation with her doctors, and she put her decision in context. She’s 70 years old and concerned about her health and longevity, so she’s using the weight-loss drug in addition to being more active and still watching what she eats. Oprah’s weight fluctuations have been well-documented for decades and that’s part of Oprah’s appeal to many women: she, like millions of women, struggles with her weight and tries fad diets and loses weight and then back slides. One of the most disgusting things you can say to a woman who has been open about her weight struggles for decades is: I liked you more when you were fat. That is what Megyn Kelly just said this week about Oprah.

Megyn Kelly says she misses the “fat” Oprah Winfrey of old, claiming the iconic TV host has lost her heart, “along with the pounds,” as she’s recently opted to take a weight loss drug. Kelly, the 53-year-old former Fox News anchor, told podcast listeners Friday that she finds Winfrey, 70, less trustworthy since she began taking a weight loss medication.

“I miss fat Oprah, she was just genuine,” Kelly said on the The Megyn Kelly Show. “Now this thin Ozempic Oprah has lost—along with the pounds, her heart—her sense of authenticity.”

Kelly’s lashing out came the morning after Winfrey appeared alongside Kamala Harris for a town hall in Michigan—an event that clearly irked Kelly, a very public supporter of Donald Trump. Winfrey’s full-throated support of Harris appears to have gotten under Kelly’s skin, with the Fox News veteran asserting she no longer considers herself a fan.

“I used to love Oprah, like most of us who grew up when we did,” Kelly said. “And only now did I realize I’ve been getting spoon-fed propaganda from this woman for years.”

Perhaps the most memorable moment from Harris’ interview last week came when the vice president claimed she wouldn’t hesitate to shoot a home intruder.

“If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot, sorry,” she said to a raucous applause. “Probably should not have said that, but my staff will deal with that later.”

Eliciting that comment wasn’t enough for Kelly, however. She said she’d like to have seen Winfrey push Harris harder on her gun control policies, claiming the “debacle” of an interview was “the ultimate culmination of her journalistic fails.”

[From The Daily Beast]

“And only now did I realize I’ve been getting spoon-fed propaganda from this woman for years.” Megyn Kelly is years older than me, and I remember a time when Oprah was so politically important, she had to make a point of interviewing both presidential candidates on her show and it was a big deal to see which candidate performed better. I still remember when George W. Bush turned on the charm and Oprah and her audience were impressed by him in 2000. Oprah shifted in 2008 when she decided to endorse Barack Obama early on, and she’s worn her political allegiances on her sleeve ever since. It was a big deal that Oprah made a point of going to Michigan, staging the event like her old talk show, and bringing back “the Oprah interview” style for Kamala Harris. Megyn knows how significant that was too, which is why she’s making nasty fat jokes at Oprah’s expense.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images and Instagram.

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