Mail: Why hasn’t Prince Harry released a paperback edition of ‘Spare’?

Prince Harry’s memoir, Spare, was released in January 2023. It broke many nonfiction sales records and it was a bestseller in dozens of countries, likely earning millions of dollars for Harry. With a big publishing success like that, I would imagine that his publisher, Penguin Random House, would love nothing more than a second memoir. Even without that, surely Penguin Random House would love to publish a paperback edition of Spare with new chapters? As of this moment, there’s been absolutely no gossip or reporting on when or if a paperback edition of Spare will come out. This is the focus of the Ephraim Hardcastle column in the Mail:

Eighteen months after publication of Prince Harry’s Spare and still no sign of the paperback version.

Publishers are usually swift to get one on the market, especially if they can market it as containing ‘sensational’ new material.

But it seems Harry has no new spare excitement to impart. His family has kept him at arms length, aware that anything they say could be taken down and used in evidence against them.

The only exclusives Harry could offer relate to his view of the Coronation from behind Aunt Anne’s plumed hat and how he nipped in to Buck House en route to Heathrow to use the loo. Too much information, Harry?

While Meghan didn’t dispatch Lucozade and grapes to her father-in-law when he was diagnosed with cancer, she did privately wish the King well.

Will she dispatch birthday greetings to her father Thomas when he reaches his 80th tomorrow?

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[From The Daily Mail]

The real story is that the Mail is looking at a three-month dead-gossip period when the Windsors decamp to their country boltholes for the summer. The Mail and other tabloids would love nothing more than a juicy paperback edition with new chapters to obsess over and report on. They actually love the fact that Harry either does their dirty work for them or that they can use Harry as a vessel through which they can attack the Windsors. But yeah, I’d love a paperback edition of Spare as well. Despite the Mail’s childish saltiness, everyone knows that Harry is sitting on tons of dirt about the Windsors and tons of insider information.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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