King Charles snapped at a page boy at the state opening of Parliament

As we discussed, King Charles and Queen Camilla were the main event for the state opening of Parliament on Wednesday. While the new prime minister and the MPs were all dressed in business attire – befitting a daytime state event – Charles and Camilla were bizarrely expected to show up in all of their state regalia. Camilla wore a white gown, an ermine cape, and the Diamond Diadem. Charles wore one of his dress uniforms, then the ermine robe was added at Parliament, as was the Imperial State Crown. As such, I don’t think Charles had enough time to get comfortable in his heavy gear. When one of his page boys tried to “fix” something on the robe, Charles’s reaction was predictably ill-tempered.

Ahead of a speech in the House of Lords, a page boy tries to adjust King Charles’ robe. The King seemed to pull his hand back when the page boy tries to place the King’s robe around his throne.

— Sky News (@SkyNews) July 17, 2024

Now, do I honestly think this is the worst thing in the world? No, of course not. It was just an awkward moment between an ill-tempered king and a child who should have been enjoying his summer vacation rather than fuss about with an ermine robe in the middle of g–damn July. But it’s yet another in an increasingly long list of Charles being ill-tempered and rude in public. The man couldn’t even get through his big Proclamation Ceremony (the day after his mother died) without being ill-tempered at an ink pot. Days after that, he threw a tantrum about a leaky pen. Even earlier this week, Charles apparently “snapped” at an aide over Camilla’s coat when they were in Jersey. Maybe Charles is just a rude, unpleasant man, have you ever thought about that.

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Camilla should have just handed someone the umbrella & focused on her coat.
How on earth did she think she could hold on to that umbrella & put her coat on with the other?
Where were her aides, friends & companions or whatever they’re called?

— Melanated Mona (@Melanated_Mona) July 17, 2024

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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