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King Charles eats half an avocado for lunch now & suddenly the Mail loves avocados

Here are some photos of King Charles from the past month. He hasn’t been in total seclusion, but he based himself out of Balmoral/Birkhall and then traveled around for work a couple of times. I think his “Scottish summer” is officially done now and he’s back to being based in London. He’s preparing for his big overseas trip to Australia and Samoa (for the Commonwealth meeting). Every few weeks or so, some royal source or insider pops up to say that Charles isn’t doing well and that preparations are underway for King William’s reign, but I really don’t know. Charles is going to cling to the throne with his last breath, that’s for sure.

Meanwhile, did you know that in the year 2024, suddenly avocados are a very healthy and uniquely nutritious snack? It’s funny, because in 2019, the Duchess of Sussex served her friend avocado toast and the Mail ran this headline: “How Meghan’s favourite avocado snack – beloved of all millennials – is fuelling human rights abuses, drought and murder.” Would you even believe that “drought and murder” are not mentioned whatsoever in a story about Charles’s new lunch diet?

King Charles has started to eat lunch for the first time – and The Mail on Sunday can reveal his meal of choice is the millennial’s favourite, the avocado. The 75-year-old monarch has spent a lifetime skipping lunch, with a source saying he regarded it as a ‘luxury’ and that there was not enough time in his busy schedule to allow such an indulgence. Now, on the orders of his wife, aides and doctors, he has grudgingly started eating in the middle of the day to keep his strength up.

But the King, who is recovering from cancer, insists on eating only the healthiest – and trendiest – snack there is. A source said: ‘With some reluctance, he now has something to eat at lunchtime – a snack, really. He now eats half an avocado to sustain him through the day. It’s important, particularly if you have got an illness.’

Charles is a healthy eater, insisting on organic produce. Eggs are a particular favourite. He told the BBC three years ago how he abstains from meat and fish on two days of the week, and that he also avoids dairy.

Avocados are a so-called superfood, known for being dense in calories and a healthy way to incorporate energy-fuelling ‘good fat’ into a diet. They are now virtually part of the nation’s culture wars after becoming hugely popular with that much-criticised generational cohort, the millennials – born between 1981 and 1996.

A love of avocado on toast has somehow become synonymous with millennials, and, by extension, the workshy. There was even an improbable controversy about how millennials would be much better placed to buy the homes they felt they were being priced out of by older ‘boomers’ if only they would rein in their prodigious outlays on the snack at hipster cafes. But Charles’ addition of them into his diet includes none of the carbohydrates that come with toast. He prefers them on their own and they are eaten only for utilitarian purposes.

[From The Daily Mail]

“He prefers them on their own and they are eaten only for utilitarian purposes.” I’m always surprised when I come across people like this, people who only consume food purely for fuel and not for taste or enjoyment. To me, it’s a form of disordered eating, to take zero pleasure in food, to only see consumption in utilitarian terms. I guess that’s one of the reasons why the Mail isn’t crying about drought and murder – it’s not like Charles actually ENJOYS eating avocados. He’s miserable regardless, this human Eeyore. Obviously, the Mail isn’t crying about avocado murder because it’s not about Meghan as well.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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