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Kathy Griffin gets revenge on Sharon Stone by adding her to group texts

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Kathy Griffin is a divisive figure. Her 2017 photo with a decapitated Trump was not particularly funny and it was definitely ill-conceived. At the same time, I think the backlash was of the variety and vehemence that gets applied to women exponentially more than to men. Kathy has definitely felt the consequences from that photoshoot seven years ago and was banned from many major talk shows. Jimmy Kimmel has always welcomed Kathy on his show though. Kathy was on Kimmel last week and spoke about attending a party hosted by Paris Hilton — that she was legitimately invited to by Paris herself — and Kathy painting the (pink) picture of the scene had me in stitches. She also randomly shared that every time Sharon Stone cancels on her, she adds Sharon to a large group text. Jimmy ate it up:

Here’s hoping Sharon Stone is familiar with the concept of muting.

On Tuesday’s episode of “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” Kathy Griffin shared her petty tactic for getting even with friends who have wronged her in relatively small ways — and the stunt is so deliciously petty that even Kimmel said he wanted to steal it.

“My new favorite hobby is that every time Sharon Stone blows me off for a dinner date, I add her to a random text chain,” the comedian revealed, causing Kimmel to crack up. “And Jimmy, she, like, wants to kill me.”

“How many times has this happened?” Kimmel asked.

“Around four,” Griffin responded. “And they’re like 17-person text chains.”

“And it’ll say, ‘Sharon Stone has been added to the conversation?’” Kimmel asked.

“And it’s her real number,” Griffin added. “It’s not her office number.”

“I like that,” Kimmel said giggling. “I’m going to use that, I like that idea.”

[From HuffPost]

I’m Team Kathy on this one! I mean, Sharon Stone had to have had an inkling of the risks she was taking on by giving her direct number to Kathy Griffin. To assume Kathy wouldn’t do something like this, well, I think that would be Sharon’s error in judgment and not Kathy’s. Also, that really is a top notch way to irk someone. Or at the very least, I can attest that it bugged the crap out of me over Thanksgiving when a family member sent a “Happy Holiday” text to everyone in their family, not realizing (or just not caring) that not everyone in that chain was family to each other. Days later I was still getting pinged with responses from unknown numbers. Ok, I know I sound very Grinchy with this story, but I still stand by my stance!

Kathy was officially on Jimmy’s show to show Princess Kate how to cosplay a Christmas present promote her latest stand up tour, including an upcoming stop in her hometown Chicago on New Year’s Eve — her first NYE gig since CNN fired her:

“I’m calling it ‘My Life on the PTSD-List’ because I really do have freakin’ PTSD,” Griffin explained to Kimmel Tuesday night. “I mean, the Trump thing, and then I got lung cancer, and I have a vocal cord implant, and I’m going through a divorce, and I was addicted to prescription pills and now I’m 4 ½ years sober,” Griffin said.

Griffin said she’s thrilled her life is finally turning around thanks to her new tour.

“And I want to tell you something — this is really corny,” Griffin said to Kimmel. “Every single live show, and I’ve done about 50 shows so far, I always make a point to say, ‘And the one late night host who never ditched me was Jimmy Kimmel.’”

“And not only would I not ditch you, I look forward to us spending time in prison together in January,” Kimmel joked, referencing his own long-running feud with Trump.

I miss the days when Jimmy was joking about Trump’s potential jail time, sigh…

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