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Kate Middleton Pushes Prince George to Wave During Behind-the-Scenes Royal Balcony Appearance

<p id=”par-1_45″>The <a href=””>royal family</a> released a new video detailing the opening of the East Wing of Buckingham Palace. However, in a clip, <a href=”″>Kate Middleton was seen</a> pushing Prince George to wave at the crowds down below in a behind-the-scenes moment captured during a royal balcony appearance.</p>

<h2 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”h-prince-george-prompted-by-kate-middleton-to-wave-during-royal-balcony-appearance”>Prince George prompted by Kate Middleton to wave during royal balcony appearance</h2>

<p id=”par-2_39″>A video uploaded by Kensington Palace to <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>YouTube</a> shared behind-the-scenes clips of the estate’s East Wing reopening. The wing houses the balcony, located off the Center Room. This outdoor area is the site of many royal family iconic moments.</p>

<p id=”par-3_39″>Within the clip, images and photos of the renovation were shared. However, a moment between Kate Middleton and her oldest son, Prince George, sandwiched toward the end, showed that sometimes even royal kids must be prompted to behave appropriately.</p>

<p id=”par-4_27″>Trooping the Color was the first summer event after Queen Elizabeth’s death. In 2023, the royal family walked on the balcony to wave at the crowds below.</p>

<p id=”par-5_34″>However, at the 3:41 mark in the video, Kate appeared to have to nudge Prince George to wave to the crowds, an<a href=”″> unspoken royal rule</a>. Before, he stood looking down at the crowds wistfully.</p>

<p id=”par-6_36″>George stood alongside his mother, father Prince William, sister Princess Charlotte, and brother Prince Louis. As George grows into his role, he will spend countless moments such as this as the heir to his father’s throne.</p>

<h2 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”h-the-buckingham-palace-restoration-has-gone-on-for-seven-years”>The Buckingham Palace restoration has gone on for seven years</h2>

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<p id=”par-7_43″>Accompanying the video, which showed all the work being done on the historic building’s interior, a caption detailed other royal family news. It revealed that tours of the East Wing will commence this summer, <a href=”″>preserving the legacy of Queen Elizabeth</a> and her family.</p>

<p id=”par-8_44″>“The Buckingham Palace Reservicing Program is now in its seventh year. 2024 will mark the re-opening of the East Wing, following five years of extensive work,” the statement reads. Tours of the newly reserviced East Wing will be available to the public this summer.</p>

<p id=”par-9_16″>The Buckingham Palace reservicing program began in 2017. In 2018, work on the East Wing started.</p>

<p id=”par-10_36″>Over 3000 royal collection items, including priceless paintings, were removed to allow essential work to begin. Objects from paintings to porcelain and other important architectural details were shifted from the East Wing to preserve their integrity.</p>

<p id=”par-11_48″>In 2020, the building’s interior heating and cooling systems were updated to more energy-efficient machines. They are subsequently estimating a savings of 300 tons of carbon emissions per year. There are three more years of restoration planned for Buckingham Palace, with work estimated to be completed by 2027.</p>

<h2 class=”wp-block-heading” id=”h-will-visitors-get-to-step-onto-the-infamous-buckingham-palace-balcony”>Will visitors get to step onto the infamous Buckingham Palace balcony?</h2>

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<p id=”par-12_22″>Visitors will now have access to the East Wing during the summer months. However, they cannot access the balcony during their visit.</p>

<p id=”par-13_45″>Thus, the <a href=”″ target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>Royal Collection Trust</a> website says that royal family fans can access the home from July 15 through Aug. 31. Ticket prices range from $94 for adults to $79 for those ages 18-24. Children ages 5-17 cost $74, and children under 5 are free.</p>

<p id=”par-14_60″>The website explains, “Led by an expert guide, the East Wing Highlights Tour will take you through the principal rooms of the Wing as you discover the spaces beyond the famous façade of the building. You will view exquisite works from the Royal Collection and visit the Centre Room, which leads to the Palace balcony, first used by Queen Victoria.”</p>

<p id=”par-15_54″>“After your tour, which lasts around 45 minutes, you will join the self-guided tour of the State Rooms. You will be able to visit the Garden Café and Garden Shop at the end of your visit. But, there is limited availability, with a maximum number of 20 places on each East Wing Highlights Tour.”</p>

<p id=”par-16_30″>Kate Middleton is currently receiving treatment for an undisclosed type of cancer. However, it has yet to be revealed when she will rejoin the royal family at formal public events.</p>

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