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Duchess Meghan ‘desperate to come across as the bigger person’ & end royal feuds

Royal gossip’s summer silly season is upon us. The only thing that can save us is the Princess of Wales turning up at Wimbledon, which starts next week. Last year, during the summer silly season, the British media worked itself into a lather about “the Sussex marriage is in trouble.” It was all a lie. But for months now, they’ve been trying and failing to bring the Sussexes into the story of Princess Kate’s disappearance/illness. When Harry confirmed his visit to the UK in May, Wales-sources were eager to brief about their plans to “snub” Harry, even though he never said anything about visiting them. Then Christopher Andersen, that “royal expert,” claimed that Prince William was literally gatekeeping who sees Kate and that he would never “allow” Harry to visit her (once again, Harry showed zero interest). It’s all part of the years-long fanfic series of “the Sussexes are desperate to see Will & Kate!” Well, here’s the latest:

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are trying to reconnect with Kate Middleton in hopes of burying the hatchet once and for all, according to a report. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex haven’t met up with the Princess of Wales in years — with Harry only briefly seeing her last at King Charles’ coronation in May 2023. However, after Middleton, 42, revealed her cancer diagnosis to the world in March, the Sussexes have reportedly been itching to get in touch.

“Meghan’s desperate to come across as the bigger person and end this feud between them — appearing like some sort of royal savior could only do her image good,” a source told OK! Magazine. “When Kate gets back into action, their hope is that it might take some of the heat off them and possibly trigger a truce with her and William, and with the king, too.”

While the father of two, 39, has been on home soil twice this year, he has not met up with his estranged brother, Prince William, and his wife. Instead, Harry only saw his father, King Charles, in February. He did not meet with any family members during his three-day trip to London in May. The “Suits” alum, for her part, did not accompany her husband for either of the trips. Instead, Markle flew to London to meet her husband at Heathrow Airport before the pair immediately jetted off to Nigeria together.

[From The NY Post]

“Meghan’s desperate to come across as the bigger person.” Nah. Meghan already is the bigger person. Meghan sat there and lied to Oprah and said Kate is a “good person.” Meghan has defended Kate, even though Kate was part of the racist abuse Meghan suffered. Meghan tried to show everyone how Kate’s whiteness was being weaponized against the Black duchess. The problem has always been that Kate has always gleefully weaponized her white-woman Karen act against Meghan. Anyway, the Sussexes are not desperate for anything and the Waleses and their supporters need to stop dragging Harry and Meghan into Kensington Palace’s catastrophe. Y’all broke it, and now you bought it.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar, Cover Images, Backgrid.

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