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Dampier: Prince Harry & Meghan ‘are living more separate lives’ right now

Prince Harry is currently in New York, without his wife but with some Archewell staffers. From what we can tell, he’s kept most details on his itinerary and schedule pretty buttoned up, but we know he’s doing multiple events a day throughout the week and then he’ll be flying to London in time for the WellChild Awards next Monday. Harry has made plenty of solo trips around America and abroad in recent years. Every single time he steps out of the house without Meghan, the British media starts up though. They start questioning the Sussex marriage, they suggest that Harry is “unhappy” and “desperate” to “come back.” They say outright that Meghan is the only thing keeping him in America, and if only someone could stick a wedge in between them, then everything would be perfect. This is just the latest:

Next Monday Prince Harry is scheduled to host the WellChild awards in London. It is the second time in weeks that Harry has returned to England alone after he attended a memorial service for his uncle Lord Robert Fellowes at the end of August.

Royal expert Phil Dampier said: “It is significant that he is doing so much on his own now. They are living more separate lives as it looks like Harry is trying to carve out what exactly his future is. I suspect Harry has been feeling very much like a spare part. He wants more fulfilling roles for himself so we may well be seeing more of him here.”

[From The Sun]

“I suspect Harry has been feeling very much like a spare part” – to whom, Meghan? Harry literally has a busy itinerary full of fulfilling work in New York, including the Clinton Global Initiative and meetings and events around Travalyst and more. That, to me, is more “fulfilling” than what, running back to the UK to be his brother’s doormat? But these terrible people have come back to their favorite subject: how everything would be so much better if Harry abandoned his wife and children.

Royal historian Hugo Vickers told the Sun: “The real problem here is that Prince Harry is not going to come back without Meghan, unless, for some reason, they separate, or something goes badly wrong. I don’t think she shows any wish at all to come to this country, because she’s not actually very popular in this country.”

He added that Harry himself has “been complicit” in a lot of “quite unpleasant” remarks aimed at the Royal Family made by the Sussexes.

“But I’ve always felt that he was acting rather on instruction,” Mr Vickers continued. “I would think it was more likely that he would come back on his own at some point, but I don’t see that in the immediate future. And in fact, I think it would be a distraction, because, you know people are always talking about Harry and Meghan the whole time.”

He argues that as a nation we “need to concentrate” on the King and the working royals and “all the things that they’re achieving” – with Harry and Meghan having stepped down in 2020.

“If Prince Harry came back,” Mr Vickers continued, “you know, the chances are that people would be wondering why he was back and what he was really up to.”

[From The Sun]

All of this seething because they can’t admit that they’re mad that Meghan won’t visit them in the UK. They’re mad that they can’t figure out a way to force Harry to come back, they’re mad that the Sussex marriage is strong and healthy, they’re mad that Harry doesn’t actually give a sh-t about them or their nonsense, and on and on. It’s also curious to me that there’s so much energy towards “Harry makes a solo work trip, that must mean his marriage is in trouble” and yet the Wales marriage never gets one iota of scrutiny.

Incidentally, People Mag revealed that Harry Facetimed with Meghan before he stepped on stage at The Diana Award event yesterday. Such separate lives, you guys.

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