Angelina Jolie’s lawyer: Brad Pitt can end the fighting by withdrawing his lawsuit

I can never gauge how much backstory people know when coming into these Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie stories these days. This sh-t has been happening for almost eight full years. Jolie filed for divorce during the Obama administration, you know? So many years of lies, drama and shenanigans. I’d like to thank all of the old-school Jolie-fans for rallying in yesterday’s post too – the story obviously came from Pitt’s camp, as he desperately tried to spin Angelina’s perfectly appropriate legal request into yet another tantrum. As I’ve seen from comments here and on Twitter, the Pitt-defenders have been called upon to spread misinformation about how “both sides” are in the wrong, or that Angelina needs to be the one to “end” their many legal issues, or that Angelina defending herself is “bad” for the kids. Angelina filed for divorce the moment he physically attacked their children, and she’s spent years trying to disentangle herself from him legally and financially, all while he slanders her and financially abuses her. He was the one who sued her, and she only countersued because she was sick of his years of lies and bullsh-t.

In the previous story this week, we heard Brad’s side about how Angelina is asking the court to order Brad to produce his communications from 2016 and beyond, including all of his written communications with his PR team and crisis management team in the wake of the 2016 plane terror. Turnabout is fair play – Brad demanded Jolie’s staff NDAs, which she provided to the court. Now Pitt is salty that she wants all of HIS relevant records too. Now Angelina’s lawyer has spoken to People Magazine about what’s going on:

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Angelina Jolie’s attorney says the actress wants ex Brad Pitt to “end the fighting” by dropping his lawsuit against her regarding their winery.

Pitt sued Jolie after she sold away her half of Château Miraval for $67 million in October 2021. He argued that the sale went against a verbal agreement they had. Jolie’s side has said she refused to let him buy her out of the business because she didn’t want to sign his NDA as part of the deal. In the latest development, Jolie formally requested that Pitt disclose third-party communications he had in the aftermath of the 2016 plane ride incident that led to their divorce. Pitt’s lawyers called her request “intrusive” and a “sensationalist fishing expedition,” asking the judge to deny it.

In a July 17 statement obtained by PEOPLE, Jolie’s lawyer Paul Murphy claims Pitt, in his past offer to buy Jolie’s stake in the winery, “tried to punish and control Angelina by demanding a newly expanded NDA to cover his personal misconduct and abuse.”

“Those actions are central to these proceedings,” added Murphy, saying, “We are not at all surprised Mr. Pitt is afraid to turn over the documents demonstrating these facts.”

“While Angelina again asks Mr. Pitt to end the fighting and finally put their family on a clear path toward healing, unless Mr. Pitt withdraws his lawsuit, Angelina has no choice but to obtain the evidence necessary to prove his allegations wrong,” Murphy says.

A rep for Pitt declined to comment. According to Pitt’s lawyers in a recent court filing, the third-party communications Jolie’s team are requesting deal with “sensitive issues” (including “therapy he voluntarily undertook after the flight incident in an effort to better himself”) and feature some of “his most trusted advisors.” They claimed Jolie “wants them anyway as part of her efforts to turn this business dispute into a re-litigation of the former couple’s divorce case.” A source close to Pitt tells PEOPLE that his recent filing speaks for itself.

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[From People]

“Her efforts to turn this business dispute into a re-litigation of the former couple’s divorce case.” One, the divorce case hasn’t been “litigated,” much less RElitigated. The divorce has not been finalized. One party is holding up the proceedings and it’s not Angelina. Two, Pitt was the one who tied the “business dispute” with the divorce. He was the one who tried to force Angelina’s silence on his abuse within her attempt to sell Nouvel TO him. When she walked away from any deal with an NDA, that’s when Pitt threw this tantrum and sued Angelina, claiming he was blindsided (he was not, Jolie had to go to court to clear the sale and he knew exactly what she was doing and why because she informed him in writing).

Anyway, I’ve said this before, but I like Angelina’s current legal team. They’ve been so much more proactive in pushing back on Pitt’s crap. I love that Angelina’s lawyer went to People Mag and said: look, he can end this whenever he wants. I keep hearing things about the French government and Miraval too. I’d love to know what Yuri Shefler is up to.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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