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Andersen: If Prince William or Kate ‘starts to wobble,’ the monarchy would crash

Princess Anne was kicked in the head by a horse two weekends ago and she spent five nights in the hospital, and there’s no talk of when she will be ready to come back to royal work. King Charles still has cancer and he’s still receiving treatments, and he’s curtailed his schedule somewhat. The Princess of Wales has only attended one public event in six months and, in her own words, she’s still receiving chemotherapy and has “bad days.” Queen Camilla is 76 years old and she hates traveling or interacting with people of color. There are other “working royals” who mostly toil away, doing a couple of events a week, with little attention. And then there’s Prince William, one of the laziest and most immature men to ever come out of that family. This is the state of the Windsors’ “working royals.” Out of spite and racism, they’ve organized everything around a slimmed down monarchy which provides little “bang for the buck.” Royal biographer Christopher Andersen sounds pretty disgusted by the turn of events:

Prince William and Kate have become the “pillars on which the future of the monarchy rests,” royal biographer Christopher Andersen told OK!. William reportedly has his own “slimmed-down” vision for the monarchy, however, Anderson notes that this could put a lot of pressure on William and Middleton, who are “far and away the most beloved members of the royal family.”

“If either of them starts to wobble, the whole thing can come crashing down,” Anderson said. “At the moment, Kate is at her most vulnerable. The ground beneath Kate is shifting in major ways. Only time can tell if she can stand strong.”

“The simple truth is that the royal family cannot be whittled down to a precious few without the risk of having it grind to a halt altogether,” Anderson explained. “For over 70 years, the Windsors had longevity on their side—almost to a ridiculous extent. Queen Elizabeth lived to be 96, and her husband Prince Philip was 99, the longest-living royal male in history [when he died]. The Queen Mother was downing her favorite gin and Dubonnets right up until the end at the astounding age of 101. There seemed to be no need for redundancy, with senior royals seeming practically immortal, and three generations of future monarchs waiting in the wings.”

But the recent happenings are proving that the family is not as invincible as they seem. “It’s hard to blame palace officials for not having a plan in place to cope with the simultaneous cancer diagnoses of King Charles and Princess Kate, much less the sidelining of such a valuable supporting player as the princess royal,” the expert continued. “The home team is running out of options.”

[From InStyle]

“If either of them starts to wobble, the whole thing can come crashing down.” Here’s the thing though… Kensington Palace just proved that Kate can disappear for six months and the monarchy won’t come crashing down. Of course the monarchy suffered some bad newscycles, mostly because of the palace’s screw-ups and William’s unsteadiness. But coming out of this whole six-month shambles, the message is actually “they would survive without Kate.” They would need a good explanation for it, they would have to manage the story to a ridiculous degree, but if Kate is gone, the monarchy wouldn’t come crashing down. But I agree with the larger point that the slimmed-down monarchy is looking skeletal these days. If they’re so stupid, selfish and petty to expand the working-royal list, what’s to be done, though?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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