A BBC reporter is still complaining & lying about Duchess Meghan, years later

In the Harry & Meghan Netflix series, the Duchess of Sussex spoke briefly about their late 2017 engagement announcement and how Kensington Palace organized the “engagement interview” right after the engagement photocall. KP organized the whole rollout and Meghan indicated that she felt very “managed” by the palace, especially considering (as we know now) that the palace did next to nothing to help her in the previous year, and they were working against her interests, all while Meghan tried to follow a lot of rules which seemed set up specifically for her. In the Netflix series, Meghan remarked that the BBC engagement interview was an “orchestrated reality show… We weren’t allowed to tell our story… it was, you know, rehearsed.” Well, the woman who conducted the engagement interview is being an a–hole about that, years later.

When the Duchess of Sussex aimed a volley of bombshells at the Royal Family in her Netflix ‘docu-series’ with Prince Harry in 2022, one of those caught by flying shrapnel was Mishal Husain. The BBC star had conducted the television interview broadcast after Meghan’s engagement to Prince Harry was announced five years earlier. The former actress suggested that Husain’s sit-down with the couple had been an ‘orchestrated reality show’.

To add insult to injury, Meghan complained that the distinguished Radio 4 presenter ‘wasn’t empathetic enough, wasn’t warm enough’ to conduct the interview, according to a senior royal source. It was said that Meghan would have preferred her fellow American Oprah Winfrey to have been selected for the job.

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Now, however, the usually mild-mannered Husain has been moved to respond to the Duchess of Sussex’s criticism.

She suggests that the attack left her bewildered. And, far from Meghan being the naive victim of some co-ordinated Establishment plot, she and Harry appeared to have given much thought to what they would say about their plans.

‘When the Duchess of Sussex said that my engagement interview with her and Harry was an ‘orchestrated reality show’ I didn’t know what to make of it,’ Husain writes in the August issue of Saga magazine. ‘They seemed to have thought through what their new lives would be like and what marriage would mean for her life in particular.’

Husain adds that there was no hint of the trouble to come.

‘There was nothing that pointed to what would happen,’ she says. ‘It was two people who were full of joy in each other and life.’

After the Netflix broadcast, Husain borrowed a phrase from Queen Elizabeth’s response to Meghan’s allegations of racism within the Royal Family. ‘Recollections may vary,’ Husain said wryly on the Today programme.

[From The Daily Mail]

Is Mishal Husain stupid? She’s clearly too stupid to understand that Meghan felt stage-managed by the palace, that the palace idiots basically wrote a script for Meghan and she had to stick to certain talking points in the engagement interview. You know, the same palace idiots who are still lying to Richard Eden about how Meghan “complained” that Husain “wasn’t empathetic enough, wasn’t warm enough” and that Meghan wanted OPRAH to conduct the interview? The lies these people tell, and the lies they’re still telling SEVEN YEARS LATER. I have to say this, and don’t hate me British peeps, but it’s absolutely bonkers that Meghan still lives rent-free in the heads of so many British journalists, columnists and the entire f–king royal establishment.

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Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, BBC screenshots.

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