Former Spice Girls star Victoria Beckham knows how to turn heads at red carpet events and at home. As seen in the family Christmas photos below, the fashion designer stunned in a tiny black blazer mini dress with fishnets and stilettos with her husband, soccer legend David Beckham and their children Brooklyn Beckham, Romeo Beckham, Cruz Beckham, and Harper Beckham.
British tabloid magazine Hello captioned the photos: “The Beckhams, the Beckham boys, and the Beckham kids!
Fans of the famous family are going wild over the new candid pics. As one replied: “Stunning humans.” Note: the woman in the red corset is Brooklyn’s wife, Nicola Peltz.
Victoria’s best friend, actress/filmmaker Eva Longoria (Flamin’ Hot, Desperate Housewives) is also sharing family photos from her Christmas holiday. As seen below, Longoria is enjoying “a sun-soaked getaway” for Christmas with husband José Baston, son Santiago and stepdaughter Natalia.
Note: Longoria recently starred in a video with her “nephew” Brooklyn Beckham, to help promote his new hot sauce brand, Cloud 23 and her cookbook. It his most popular video yet, with almost 3 million views.
@brooklynbeckham So much fun cooking with eva x @Eva Longoria @Cloud23 ♬ original sound – Brooklyn Beckham
David and daughter Harper have been busy making their own collaborative video as seen below. When Victoria shared it she wrote: “waiting for santa!”
@victoriabeckham Waiting for Santa! Kisses @David Beckham #HarperSeven ♬ original sound – Victoria Beckham