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Lindsey Graham Pushes ABC News To Apologize for “Born Alive” Fact Check

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said before the Trump-Harris debate that he was looking forward “to watching President Trump make the case to the American people tonight that he is the only man for the job to Make America Great Again.”

After the debate, in the spin room, he revealed to Tim Miller of The Bulwark Podcast that the debate as a “disaster,” and that the GOP nominee’s debate team should be fired because — Graham alleges — Trump was unprepared.

Just spoke with Lindsey Graham in the spin room he said the debate team
should be fired and Trump was unprepared. “disaster”

— Tim Miller (@Timodc) September 11, 2024

Despite his reveal to Miller, Graham did not vent his frustration with the Trump debate prep team on X.

Instead the Senator channeled his anger toward ABC News and its debate moderators. Graham wrote, post-debate: “The moderators might as well be on the DNC payroll. This is ridiculous. This is the worst moderated debate in history.”

Graham followed up that claim by sharing a photo of a “must read” letter written by the president of the Christian fundamentalist organization called Focus on the Family.

The letter, sent to the president of ABC, demands an apology and correction from ABC News debate moderator Linsey Davis, who fact-checked Trump during the debate about his claim that babies are being killed after their born.

Davis said: “There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born.”

As seen in the letter below, Focus Family disagrees and claims that instances qualifying as “infanticide” have occurred, citing unspecified “records” allegedly documenting instances of “after birth” abortions in Minnesota in 2019. The letter also refers to the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act of 2002, signed by President George W. Bush, ostensibly passed to prevent these alleged occurrences.

Must-read letter from @FocusFamily. Democrats are radical and extreme on the issue of abortion.

ABC’s debate moderator was incorrect. The network owes the American people an apology and a correction.

— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) September 12, 2024

Pro-choice organization Planned Parenthood characterizes such “Born Alive” bills (anti-abortion politicians have introduced similar legislation every Congress for nearly a decade) as “deceptive” as they “make up a problem that doesn’t exist.” Doctors already have an obligation to provide appropriate medical care by law.

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