Kari Lake Volunteers to “Provide Input” at Elon Musk-Proposed “Lawfare” Hearing

Kari Lake

MAGA conservative legal advocate Mike Davis, a former law clerk for current Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and former Chief Counsel for Nominations to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA), is criticizing judges who have paused — and persisted in pausing — President Trump’s executive order to freeze federal funding.

[Trump critics contend the President is overreaching, usurping legislative branch powers, and might not follow court orders. Aware of the alarm around this, Trump said in the Oval Office yesterday: “I always abide by the courts.”]

Davis wrote on X: “President Trump isn’t stealing another branch’s power. Activist judges are stealing his executive power. Over political differences. This is unacceptable. These activist judges are creating a constitutional crisis. The Supreme Court and Congress must rein in these activists.”

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) replied: “If judges can disrupt the political process without authority, And if Congress does nothing when that happens, Our constitutional order will be badly weakened. Let me know in the comments what you’d like Congress to do about this.”

DOGE leader Elon Musk replied to Lee: “Maybe an inquiry into lawfare?” Lee responded by asking his followers on X: “Time for Senate Judiciary Committee hearings to investigate lawfare?”

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Kari Lake, the Arizona media personality and Trump’s pick to run the VOA — which Musk earlier this week said should be shut down, in part because “nobody listens to them anymore” — chimed in and volunteered her services: “Yes! I’m happy to provide input.”

Lake is no stranger to “lawfare” accusations. A recent candidate for Governor and Senator in Arizona, Lake refused to concede after losing the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial race to Democratic Katie Hobbs and wrote on X: “The political elite will do anything to hold onto power and STOP outsiders like me.” She added: “Taking part in this lawfare just legitimizes it.”

[NOTE: Lake filed seven bids to have the courts overturn the 2022 election results and accused state election worker Stephen Richer of rigging the election in Hobbs’s favor: Richer responding by suing Lake for defamation; the case was settled in November.]

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