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Joy-Anna Duggar Bawls, Details Horrifying Hospitalization of Young Son

Joy-Anna Duggar nearly lived every parent’s nightmare a few days ago.

As part of her weekly YouTube update with fans on Friday, Joy-Anna went into detail over something that happened to her very young son, Gunner, who was born on May 17, 2023.

Joy-Anna Duggar shares a story here on YouTube. (YouTube)

The former reality star began the harrowing tale by explaining that she was feeding Gunner part of her dinner when he started to choke on a piece of ham.

“I was so tired physically that emotionally I was just done. I was crying at this point and [I was] hitting him on the back,” Duggar said of her initial reaction.

Thankfully, Joy-Anna’s husband, Austin, is a trained EMT.

“I just handed Gunner to Austin and I started crying,” Duggar continued.

“All those what-ifs come to your mind right away. [Gunner] threw up multiple times [and] still hadn’t thrown up the ham and was gagging and was not breathing for 20 seconds. After that, he was able to take some shallow breaths but was still struggling and was lethargic.”

Joy-Anna Duggar appears here way back in the day on Counting On. (TLC)

Duggar, who has been defying her dad’s rules more often these days, went on to explain that she and Austin decided to then take their toddler to the hospital.

The drive over there was scary AF.

“There were a couple points on the drive that he stopped breathing and I was just crying out to God like ‘Please save him’ and I’ve never been to a point where I thought I was going to lose one of my kids,” Joy-Anna said on YouTube.

“It was just like that thought of like he is going to die came to my mind and it was terrifying.”

We truly cannot imagine.

Side-by-side, Austin Forsyth and Joy-Anna Duggar speak to YouTube subscribers. (Image Credit: Youtube)

It’s been a challenging several months for Joy-Anna Duggar.

In April, Duggar delved into the effects of postpartum depression after giving birth last year to Gunner.

“I’ve been really battling and I’ve never had to battle something quite like this,” she told YouTube subscribers at that time, adding:

“I want you guys to know that I don’t always have my life together and I don’t always have a great day. It’s not always easy.”

Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth appear on her family’s reality TV show Counting On. (TLC)

In this new video, Joy-Anna had tears running down her face as she continued her frightening story.

At the hospital, Gunner’s breathing eventually returned to normal.

The doctor chose to conduct X-rays, which came back negative, and the one-year old is doing just fine now.

“I was just so thankful that God protected him and we made it to the hospital and that whatever was in his throat wasn’t bothering him anymore,” Duggar concluded.

Amen to all of that.

“It was so crazy and a roller coaster of emotions that day,” Joy-Anna also said. “After something like that, I feel like you just really [need to] hug your babies a little bit tighter.”

Joy-Anna Duggar Bawls, Details Horrifying Hospitalization of Young Son was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip.

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