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Congressman Brutally Mocks Republicans With “Accomplishments” List

The 118th Congress is routinely called the least productive assemblage in the history of the United States, having passed little legislation compared with its predecessors. The lack of productivity has cause enraged Representatives like Chip Roy (R-TX) to blisteringly shame his own GOP colleagues, asking in one viral harangue on the House floor for Republicans to tell him “one thing we’ve done. One.”

But after Democratic Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) presented statistics this week that back up Roy’s position and portray the 118th Congress as a dysfunctional body, Rep. Justin Moskowitz (D-FL) came sardonically to the defense of his congressional colleagues. Saying he respectfully disagreed with Crockett, Moskowitz cited much of the defining business of the 118th Congress, a long list of failures that nevertheless proved the GOP-led House was busy, if ineffective at governing.

Moskowitz: I have disagree with Ms. Crockett who claimed this is the least productive congress in modern history.

First of all, this Congress:

removed its Speaker

took 15 rounds to elect its speaker

removed a member of their party

had a failed impeachment of a President…

— Acyn (@Acyn) May 22, 2024

Moskowitz could hardly name all the accomplishments of the legislative branch, he insinuated, but here’s a start of those measures for which he congratulated his colleagues on getting done:

removed its Speaker

took 15 rounds to elect its Speaker

removed a member of their party

had a failed impeachment of a President

impeached a Secretary without a constitutional threshold

wants to hold Garland in contempt and possibly arrest him

had a failed motion to vacate to remove a second Speaker

saved gas stoves, ovens, toasters, blenders, dishwashers from the communist grip of energy standards

Moskowitz shouted out Congress’s recent priorities like he was Chevy Chase offering assurances to Ted Knight in Caddyshack: “Don’t sell yourself short, Judge, you’re a tremendous slouch.”

Reactions hit the same themes, especially condescending on the appliances business.


The Refrigerator Freedom Act, the Liberty in Laundry Act and the Stop Unaffordable Dishwasher Standards, or SUDS, Act are among the bills.

What about the epidemic of Socialist Air Fryers and InstaPots?

Our tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen…

— TrueWordsRSpoken (@TruWordsRSpoken) May 22, 2024

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