Restored Western Flyer fishing boat sets sail 85 years after historic Gulf of California trip

MONTEREY — Eighty-five years ago, to the week, the Western Flyer set sail for the Gulf of California. Amongst the crew were renowned author John Steinbeck and marine biologist Ed Ricketts, taking on the journey that would inspire the book “The Log from the Sea of Cortez.”

On Sunday, the newly restored Western Flyer fishing boat began retracing its historic route, for the first time since 1940, on a three-month expedition slated to include science research, education and community outreach. Local scientists, educators and conservationists will team up to study the Gulf of California’s ecosystems, and brainstorm new ideas to protect the marine world.



The Western Flyer Foundation will also be partnering with local organizations to host public events throughout California and Mexico.

For three months, the Western Flyer will follow the original 1940 route while making stops along the California coast and throughout the Gulf of California.

The crew onboard will host public events, hands-on education and scientific research while engaging with people interested in the ocean and stories of researchers.

“This will be a truly special and one-of-a-kind event for Monterey,” said Sherry Flumerfelt, executive director of the Western Flyer Foundation in a press statement. “Back in 1940, the Western Flyer set sail with music, dancing, and a lively dockside send-off. We’re working with the Monterey Public Library and other local partners to bring that same energy back with a farewell party worthy of this legendary vessel.”

The expedition departed Old Fisherman’s Wharf at 3 p.m. Sunday.

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