Thank you, Gov. Pritzker, for sidelining Jan. 6 rioters from state jobs

In Saturday’s article outlining Gov. JB Pritzker’s directive to prohibit any Illinois state office from hiring persons involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, attempt to overthrow the federal government, Illinois Republican Party Chair Kathy Salvi is quoted in her statement about the directive and Pritzker:

“Over the last two weeks, Gov. Pritzker has shown us that he is a vengeful and egotistical man who is out of touch with working men and women. Instead of working for Illinois families or with the new Republican administration to improve the lives of Illinoisans, he is creating division and chaos. … His grandstanding ignores the will of the American people.”

What? Really? Is she talking about Pritzker, or the person who assumed the presidency two weeks ago?

You know, the one who is firing prosecutors that stood against him, pardoning persons who beat and abused Capitol police and caused millions of dollars of damage to our capitol building. The one who is searching out and arresting immigrants for whatever he deems crimes. The one who is placing incompetent persons into positions of power. The one who will blame the past administration for any and all problems that befall the U.S., like plane crashes, fires, hurricanes, rail accidents and mass shootings. The 78-year-old man-child who thinks making up rude names for those he doesn’t like is acceptable.

I could continue, and anyone who reads this paper can fill in the blanks from here.

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It’s only been two weeks, and I am exhausted. But I’m starting to think that’s exactly what Republicans are shooting for. But I do want to thank Gov. Pritzker for doing the right thing.

And a final note to Ms. Salvi. Stop saying you’re speaking for the American people. That would be me, and your ideologies are nowhere close to mine. Your guy didn’t win by a landslide. You want us to think he did. And being voted in by less than 50% of the people is not exactly the mandate you keep talking about.

Linda Caliendo, Naperville

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Tipping his cap to Gene Lyons

I just finished reading Gene Lyons’ farewell column. He was always one to speak the truth based on actual facts. These days, that quality is completely under-appreciated. When he wasn’t doing that, he was entertaining his audience with stories about his family, pets and love for the Red Sox. His ability to connect with readers on multiple levels is a rare gift, and I, for one, will miss his column.

I understand his desire to leave politics and all of its aggravations behind. I wish him well in his well-deserved retirement.

John Farrell, DeKalb

Hang on to Neil Steinberg

Columnist Gene Lyons is retiring rather than spending four years writing about the arrogance of a self-serving president who has the support of spineless Republicans in Congress and the undying devotion of voters willing to overlook his incompetence and personal misdeeds because he speaks to their own grievances and biases.

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Someone once said, “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs…” Reading Lyons’ column was like having a conversation with your common-sense neighbor over the backyard fence. He will be sorely missed.

Thank goodness we still have Neil Steinberg. With his keen-eyed focus, Steinberg points out the foolishness and outright wrongdoings of those in high places, including the highest. Despite the odds, he urges us to have hope that we can recover and restore our republic in four years and truly make America great again.

Note to Sun-Times hierarchy: Do not let Steinberg go away!

Dan McGuire, Bensenville

MSNBC is a ‘propaganda’ network

As always, I read with interest the final column of political commentator Gene Lyons in Saturday’s Sun-Times. I have come to accept and understand liberals who, almost by definition, hate all things Trump. In this respect, I have no argument with the views expressed in Mr. Lyons’ column, save one.

He admonished news organizations for their failure to confront the reality of a Soviet-style propaganda network in their midst, which he said is Fox News. I agree with that assertion, except that the actual culprit is MSNBC News.

William Desmond, Beverly

Costco understands value of diversity

Costco’s board of directors recently voted down a proposal that the company review its diversity and inclusion programs. The company’s response to the proposal is a powerful statement supporting policies enabling this company to create and maintain a diverse workforce, drawing millions of Americans to its doors; to provide career positions for workers of every race, color, religion, sexual preference and political affiliation; and in the process to build one of the country’s most successful corporations. The proposal to change was voted down by over 98% of the shares.

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The full text of the company’s response can be found in the “Cost Proxy 2024 Print Draft.” Proceed to Page 32, to the section entitled “Board of directors’ response.” It begins, “The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote AGAINST this proposal.”

Tom Shannon, Lincoln Park

Skipping the Super Bowl on Fox

I believe that misinformation played a pivotal role in electing the current president twice. The biggest culprit (and its many affiliates) will air Super Bowl LIX next Sunday. I will no longer be watching any of their programming. Gotta start somewhere.

Gary Charles Metz, LaGrange Park

Stop groveling to Trump

President Donald Trump is like the proverbial bull in a china shop and it was actually refreshing to see Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada and President Claudia Sheinbaum of Mexico standing up to this bully and announcing retaliatory tariffs.

Republicans and the leading figures of the business community continually grovel to Trump, and they need to show the same backbone exemplified by these leaders and oppose his reckless policies before he creates more havoc.

Larry Vigon, Jefferson Park

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