I am really surprised that the Sun-Times recently published such baseless vitriol from Grayslake resident Mike Daly, who wrote that Chicago Public Schools teachers are “failing our children” and “underperforming.” He also suggested they’re not held accountable and should be ashamed to ask for raises.
Does Daly have anything to back up these crazy claims? My stepson and sons attended CPS from kindergarten through 12th grade, and all received a first-class education because of their wonderful teachers. I am a teacher in Chicago, too. I am not failing my students, and I’m not underperforming. I am accountable through an extensive annual evaluation system.
Additionally, my late husband taught for 30 years in several public high schools on the South, West and North sides, and my current husband’s father had a long career teaching elementary school students in Rogers Park. Both were extremely gifted, hardworking people who cared, served and successfully taught hundreds of students.
SEND LETTERS TO: letters@suntimes.com. To be considered for publication, letters must include your full name, your neighborhood or hometown and a phone number for verification purposes. Letters should be a maximum of approximately 375 words.
And now here comes another generation working in Chicago’s schools in spite of such all-too-common, mean-spirited teacher bashing. My son is an elementary school social worker and his girlfriend a second grade teacher. Both use their many gifts and extensive knowledge, gained from their hard work and devotion to their undergraduate and graduate studies, to serve students in Englewood and Uptown.
I know so many people across the city who do fantastic work in the CPS system, including all my colleagues at Steinmetz High School. We are constantly pushed to increase our performance. Of the hundreds of teachers and school workers I know personally, I can’t think of any I’d accuse of underperforming, failing our children, unaccountable and shouldn’t receive a raise.
On the same day the Sun-Times printed Daly’s silly letter, it also featured a Martin Luther King Jr. op-ed by former Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White (who also happens to be a CTU member). White concluded with four ideals people ought to commit to honor Dr. King: “Don’t discriminate against someone because of race, creed, or color; learn to love others; do something good for someone every day; and give back to those less fortunate.”
CPS workers do these things everyday, continuing Dr. King’s legacy in our professional lives. Is it necessary to add, contrary to the fussy letter writer’s insults, that we (like all) deserve good pay and working conditions?
Sharon Schmidt, Portage Park
Making America grotesque again
President Donald Trump claims he will make America great again. How in the world does pardoning convicted criminals like himself help our already great country? It is beyond me.
John M. Lindner, Gurnee
Illinois Republicans’ Trumpian delusions
I laughed out loud when I read about Republican Illinoisans believing Trump’s nonsense about American prosperity and security. I ask them “What did Trump do for the average American in his first term?”
The typical answer is monosyllabic like the “wall” or “taxes.” The real truth is the “wall” helped no one and the “tax” cut didn’t do much for the average Joe. If those same people believe the next four years will be different, I have a condo in the nearly empty Chicago Trump Tower to sell them.
John Hankes, Streeterville