Letter: Any objective person can’t possibly consider Newsom an effective leader

California Assemblyman Bill Essayli’s commentary regarding the primary culprits for why California is again suffering catastrophic wildfire destruction is spot on, while Douglas Schoen’s commentary about Gavin Newsom’s presidential prospects on the same page mostly misses the mark.

Essayli utilizes a plethora of stats and other information to detail why our state has become so vulnerable to wildfires.  Schoen, while making some scattered valid points, fails to grasp that how Newsom handles the ongoing disaster isn’t truly as relevant as his indisputable incompetence that has greatly exacerbated the problem.

I certainly hope the governor prioritizes doing all he can to ease the suffering of the victims of this tragedy, and puts his political ambitions on hold, but any objective American patriot can’t possibly consider Newsom an effective leader or worthy presidential candidate.

Bob Cunningham, Cherry Valley

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