Mysterious drones roil New Jersey, prompt FBI inquiry

What happened

Dozens of drones have been spotted over several areas of New Jersey since mid-November, including a sensitive military research facility and Donald Trump’s golf resort, and state and federal officials said Wednesday they were concerned — and stumped.

Who said what

State lawmaker Dawn Fantasia (R) said she learned at a federal briefing Wednesday that the nocturnal drones are up to 6 feet across, sometimes fly with their lights off and “appear to avoid detection by traditional methods,” per The Guardian. Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.) said on Fox News that “high sources” told him the drones came from an Iranian “mothership” lurking off the East Coast.

Defense Department spokesperson Sabrina Singh said, per Reuters, “there is no Iranian ship” or “so-called mothership launching drones towards the United States,” and the Pentagon doesn’t believe the drones are from a “foreign entity or adversary.” State and federal officials have “assured the public they had nothing to fear,” The New York Times said, but “New Jersey residents have described the rash of sightings as unsettling.”

What next?

FBI official Robert Wheeler told Congress on Tuesday that the bureau was “actively investigating” the drone sightings but didn’t yet “have an answer of who’s responsible,” which was “concerning.” Van Drew and other GOP lawmakers said the drones should be shot down.

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