Letter: After Fox News interview, Kamala Harris is finished

For anyone and everyone watching Kamala Harris’s interview with Bret Baier on FOX, you saw why the Harriscampaign has chosen not to do actual interviews.  She could not answer a single question.  She filibustered, repeatedly saying “Let me finish,” while continuing yet another stem winding non-answer. Saying “You can read my policies on my website” is not an answer. Clearly delineating them in your own words, on the spot, is what Americans wanted to hear.

This was her best opportunity to close the deal with any on the fence independent voters, with the largest audience in cable news. Instead of calm, succinct answers, she was long-winded, argumentative, and anything but warm and reassuring.

“Let me finish?”

We saw, we heard, and you are finished.

Roger Olsen, Burbank

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