Lucie Volotzky, State Senate District 27 candidate, 2024 election questionnaire

Ahead of the November general election, the Southern California News Group compiled a list of questions to pose to the candidates who wish to represent you. You can find the full questionnaire below. Questionnaires may have been edited for spelling, grammar, length and, in some instances, to remove hate speech and offensive language.

MORE: Read all the candidate responses in our Voter Guide

Name: Lucie Volotzky

Current job title: Self Employed

Political party affiliation: Republican

Incumbent: No

Other political positions held: N/A

City where you reside: Chatsworth

Campaign website or social media:

It’s no secret that California will play an outsized role in AI development and regulation. That was a big topic for the legislature this year, but what is one way you’d like to see the legislature tackle concerns about bias or transparency in the AI space or encourage innovation and start-ups? (Please be specific in your response, and keep your answer to 200 words or less.)

This is one area that needs to be highly regulated and monitored. We must be assured that issues of manipulation, discrimination, and personal privacy is protected from those issues that we know can be a problem, but even those we have yet to become aware of. AI more than any other technology needs to be approached with caution and anticipation of concerns that have yet to be revealed with this technology.

Before California voters this year is a proposition to increase the state’s minimum wage to $18 per hour, the nation’s highest, by 2026. Do you support increasing the minimum wage in this way? Why or why not? (Please keep your answer to 150 words or less.)

No. This accelerated increase of minimum wage has greatly impacted the economy for California. It puts a burden on already struggling small businesses, pushes youth and young adults out of the work place, and has forced automation to replace workers eliminating and decreasing the need for a labor force in several occupations. The illusion of trying to create a fair income by those in “”government””, those who continually cause and control “”affordability”” is ludicrous. People need to understand this.

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This year, California faced a large budget deficit that put a strain on lawmakers’ ability to fund certain programs and projects going forward. What is one thing you believe the state should do to avoid such large deficits in the future? (Please be specific in your answer, and limit it to 150 words or less.)

Quite forcing Business’ from the State due to ridiculous taxation and regulation! Also there must be greater scrutiny and accountability of those who receive tax dollars. Programs must be required to demonstrate tangible outcomes. They have a fiduciary duty to tax payers. Audits and complete transparency is critical to managing the budget. We also need to bring businesses back to California.

Speaking of the budget, there are multiple proposed bond measures before voters this year. Is the state in a good place to issue bonds for state programs and infrastructure projects? Should certain programs or projects be prioritized over others? (Please be specific in your response, and keep your answer to 200 words or less.)

Infrastructure and issues of public safety are the most important issues California faces. From water issues, thoroughfares, and our electrical grid, should be at the top of our Infrastructure projects. Again, a significant assessment and audit of past bills and their success of failure needs to be analyzed. Sacramento spits out bills for their own sake with out scrutinizing and examining the potential unanticipated consequences. We have to be smarter as law makers. We have so much information available to make better decisions and better legislation…unfortunately, we don’t use it.

Cost of living is high on the list of concerns among voters, particularly among younger people. What is one bipartisan proposal you have to alleviate concerns about high prices or the cost of living in California? (Please be specific in your response, and limit it to 200 words.)

Taxes must be address along with the regulation that is choking businesses to the point they are leaving the California. Focusing on bringing back business which will greatly impact our deficit and stimulate the economy increasing the tax base. Also greater scrutiny of how we tax fuel and utilities. I believe we need more competition when it comes to energy providers. This would level out the high costs in both of these contexts.

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The legislature this year considered recommendations from a first-in-the-nation task force that considered how California could atone for past racism and discrimination against Black people, including potential compensation. What do you believe is the role of the state in atoning for the atrocities committed against Black people? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)

This is untenable. It is also the height of arrogance and delusion. Black people are a fraction of the population who has endured and faced atrocities. Why does the State of California think they are a god that can fix the evils in the world? It is a freighting position for a group of people (politicians) to take. I can state unequivocally that I am not a god and will not pretend to be by sighing my name to some foolish legislation that possible pacifies one group while ignoring the plight of others. Not to mention that this one action would set a precedent that would domino into a future of CA needing to compensate other and future atrocities…Perhaps the families of fentanyl victims who lost loved ones because of the drugs that came via CA border??? Do we really want to open up this proverbial “”Can of Worms”” ????

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently ordered state agencies to remove homeless encampments on state property and urged cities to follow through. What else do you propose the state do to help eradicate homelessness? (Please limit your response to 200 words or less.)

This is such a complicated and out of control issue. The fact that homelessness has increased in parallel’s to the amount of money that is being thrown at it. Yes, thrown. We have experts who have worked with the homeless population for years and they were/are ignored as to what works and what does not. And yet they have been marginalized for the past many years as this problem has exploded in this State. 1st and foremost, coming from the position of not being a deity, homelessness won’t ever be eradicated. Many prefer the life style. However, most do not. The issues of homelessness are drug addiction and mental illness. These are the areas where are dollars must go. Again, we need a high level of audit and scrutiny of those awarded funds to deal with this problem and we need to make sure we strive to downsize what has become the “”homeless industrial complex””. Getting people well and functioning is the objective and where the problem with be addressed.

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Similarly, Gov. Gavin Newsom has urged county leaders to take advantage more of a new state law that makes it easier to place someone with severe mental health or substance abuse issues into conservatorships, an effort to keep more people out of homelessness. But local leaders in Southern California have said they need more time and resources to build, fund and staff more mental health facilities. Is there anything the legislature could — or should — do to aid communities struggling to find the resources to properly provide this type of mental health support? (Please be specific in your answer, and limit the response to 200 words or less.)

It all comes down to the existing funding that has been voted in and brought to this issue over the last several years. The billions in funds going to this issue, but who is getting them and do they deserve them. What are their outcomes? How do we know they are viable programs that are making valuable and most importantly measurable outcomes with in the context they were funded. What incentive exists for this “”industry”” to dissolve it’s self down as the problem becomes more manageable? These are the issues that must be addressed.

What’s the No. 1 song on your playlist while you’re on the campaign trail?

God Bless the U.S.A By Lee Greenwood





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