Larry Magid: Watch out for election misinformation

As we enter the final sprint of election season, it’s more important than ever to be on the lookout for disinformation and misinformation. Disinformation is deliberate. Misinformation includes false information that is spread without the intent to deceive. Both can be very dangerous in certain circumstances.

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Sometimes the information is about a candidate, but it can also be about an issue, an event or even a natural disaster. During and after Hurricane Helene, there were numerous false statements and online rumors. Some false statements amplified by a presidential candidate were so outrageous and potentially dangerous that members of his own party had to disavow themselves from those statements.

Identifying false information

It is sometimes difficult to identify false information, but there are some clues. Start by verifying whether the source is reputable. For the most part, news organizations, scientific institutions and government agencies are trustworthy. But there are exceptions. Any organization can make a mistake, but reputable ones will correct any errors. Sometimes scientists report what they believe to be true, or likely true, and later revise their reports as new information emerges.

There are some entities that call themselves news organizations that are highly biased and willing to spread false or unverified information. Often, this comes from opinion hosts or their guests rather than actual journalists, but I think it’s still reprehensible for anyone to deliberately or recklessly spread lies. Sometimes in the heat of breaking news, organizations report inaccurate information, but ideally they acknowledge the error and correct themselves as the story develops.

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Even if someone is opinionated, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are lying, but if there is a strong and persistent bias, it’s worth questioning any “facts” they pass on. Most government agencies work hard to pass on only accurate information. There are occasional mistakes, but there have been cases of officials deliberately spreading false information. So if you hear something from an elected official or a candidate, you might want to check that person’s track record when it comes to truth, and verify any information before you believe it, act on it or share it.

Do some research

When you hear or see something that you are not certain about, look for corroborating reports from multiple, independent sources. Be especially suspicious of sensational or emotionally charged language, and know the difference between reporters and commentators.

If a story you see online has a byline, do a little research on the author to see if they’re credible or qualified or if they have a track record of sharing false or sensational information.

Sometimes when I see a social media post that seems exaggerated or not true, I’ll right click on part of the text to do an instant search and will often discover that it has been debunked. Websites such as Snopes,, and PolitiFact do a good job of debunking misinformation.

Look for outdated information. If you see a picture of a horrific scene, don’t react or share it until you verify that it’s current and not something that happened a long time ago or perhaps in a different location.

Don’t mislead your friends

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I can’t stress enough the importance of not sharing what might be false information. You may wind up inadvertently misleading your own friends.

Of course, be on the lookout for deep fakes, which are getting easier to create thanks to generative AI. Just because you see a photo or a video of something doesn’t mean it’s true. Again, check other sources to see if what the image implies has been verified or debunked by legitimate sources.

Unfortunately, we can’t all agree on what are legitimate sources. There are those who routinely sow distrust on what they call “mainstream media,” which some politicians have incorrectly called fake news. During the course of my career, I have not only written for the Mercury News and other MediaNews Group papers, but also the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Washington Post among other outlets. I have done broadcast work with CBS News, BBC, CNN and NPR.

Although people working for these news organizations can make mistakes, they are almost always corrected. And, at all of these organizations, anyone caught deliberately lying will face disciplinary action and likely be fired. For the vast number of journalists, even making an honest mistake is extremely embarrassing. I know, because I’ve made a few in the course of my 40-year career. They were minor and relatively harmless, but still embarrassing and quickly corrected.

We’re all citizen journalists

Most people are not professional journalists, but anyone who posts on social media or talks with their friends and family is acting as a disseminator of information. Sharing a false post on social media might not get you into any professional trouble, but it may be embarrassing and may impact your reputation. Of course, it might also get you adulation from people who are happy to have their biases reconfirmed, but even if you’re getting “likes” from people who are happy to see it, that doesn’t make it right to pass on misinformation.

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I avoid sharing posts that I haven’t vetted. If I dislike a politician or disagree with an issue, I want it to be based on facts, not lies or misinformation.  One can never be 100% certain something is true, but, with a little research, you can be reasonably sure. It’s often pretty easy to determine whether something is false. When I see false information, especially from someone whose opinion I agree with, I often politely point out the error in the hope that they will take down or correct the misinformation.

To quote the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”

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Larry Magid is a tech journalist and internet safety activist. Contact him at

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