Bay Area News Group girls athlete of the week: Yesenia Moffett, Pittsburg water polo

Pittsburg water polo player Yesenia Moffett is the Bay Area News Group’s girls high school athlete of the week for Sept. 16-21.

In online voting that ended at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Moffett finished with 55.98% of the votes. James Logan volleyball player McKenzie Anderson and Leigh field hockey player Ellie Obenour were runners up.

Congratulations to all the candidates for this week’s recognition.

Moffett stood out in a game against Freedom, scoring seven goals and nabbing eight steals. At one point she was able to steal the ball and make a goal all in one play.

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To nominate an athlete for next week’s poll, email by Monday at 11 a.m. Please include stats and team results.

We also review stats submitted to by coaches/team statisticians for consideration.

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