Prince William was once again greeted by zero crowds in Aberdeen, Scotland

Before this week, Prince William was last in Aberdeen, Scotland in June 2023. He was launching his “Homewards” project and hyping himself as the savior of homelessness. He decided to do a six-city blitz to showcase that he was donating foundation money to homeless shelters and halfway houses, and a shelter in Aberdeen was one of the recipients of William’s very selective largesse. Last year’s Aberdeen trip was notable for one particular reason: no one in Aberdeen gave a sh-t. The police set up crowd-control barriers and not even four people showed up. The Scottish media made fun of William for being an uncharismatic snooze.

Well, funny story. It happened again on Thursday. William was in Aberdeen to once again do some events around Homewards, and William’s terrible staff put him in yet another horrible position, where it looked like absolutely no one gives a f–k about him:

William weaves his way through the crowds of well wishers in Aberdeen #WorkShyWilly #BillyIdle #PrinceWilliam #RoyalFamily #RoyalCharity #WillyWashing #Greenwashing

— #NotMyKing (@NoKingCharlie) September 19, 2024

As the camera pans around, you can see one or two people, including the journalist who originally took the videos. Last year, I suggested that it was bad staff work from William’s incompetent advance people. That still stands, and I can’t believe they let him take another huge L like this. I remember back when Prince Harry and Meghan lived in the UK, and wherever they went, they were greeted with huge, enthusiastic crowds. That’s why Huevo and Keen were so adamant that the Sussexes had to go. William and Kate thought they would get the same kind of reception when the Sussexes left. Not so much, as it turns out.

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The Prince of Wales arrives in Aberdeen.

He’s visiting staff and volunteers working in the homelessness sector – as it’s announced they’ll now be eligible for @bluelightcard discount through @KensingtonRoyal @HomewardsUK partnership.@lbc | @LBCNews

— Alan Zycinski (@AlanJZycinski) September 19, 2024

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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