Journalist Olivia Nuzzi on leave after likely having an affair with Robert Kennedy Jr.

What a pre-October Surprise. Y’all know how Robert Kennedy Jr. is a serial adulterer who is currently on his third marriage, to actress Cheryl Hines? Kennedy started running around with Hines two seconds after he forced his second wife Mary Richardson to leave their shared house. Mary died by suicide in 2012 and Kennedy married Hines in 2014. Hines has been a huge part of Kennedy’s brain-worm’d presidential campaign, and Hines apparently suggested that Kennedy throw his support behind Donald Trump. Well, it looks like Kennedy was having an affair this year. With New York Magazine’s Olivia Nuzzi, who has now been put on leave from the magazine once her bosses became aware of the relationship.

New York Magazine Washington correspondent Olivia Nuzzi is on leave after an alleged “romantic” relationship with former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Status magazine first reported on Thursday.

The magazine said in an online statement that Nuzzi “acknowledged” to editors “that she had engaged in a personal relationship with a former subject relevant to the 2024 campaign while she was reporting on the campaign, a violation of the magazine’s standards around conflicts of interest and disclosures.”

A spokesperson for RFK told CNN that Kennedy, who endorsed former President Trump after dropping out of the 2024 race, “only met Olivia Nuzzi once in his life for an interview she requested, which yielded a hit piece.”

Nuzzi said in a statement shared with outlets including Axios that “the nature of some communication between myself and a former reporting subject turned personal” earlier this year. “During that time, I did not directly report on the subject nor use them as a source,” she said. “The relationship was never physical but should have been disclosed to prevent the appearance of a conflict. I deeply regret not doing so immediately and apologize to those I’ve disappointed, especially my colleagues at New York.”

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N.Y. Mag said in its statement that Nuzzi “would not have continued to cover the presidential campaign” had the magazine “been aware of this relationship.” It confirmed that Nuzzi was on leave from the magazine following the incident. “An internal review of her published work has found no inaccuracies nor evidence of bias,” per the statement. The magazine “is conducting a more thorough third-party review,” it added. “We regret this violation of our readers’ trust.”

[From Axios]

Every part of this is insane, honestly. Nuzzi wrote a profile of Kennedy for NY Mag back in November 2023, and their affair apparently began after that. So throughout the year, as she wrote truly awful campaign coverage, she was pillow-talking with the guy who loves to cut the heads off of dead whales? The guy who left a dead bear cub in Central Park? The guy who is missing part of his brain because of a worm?

If you saw @Olivianuzzi

– Tell racist Obama jokes
– Befriend Alt-Right Nazis
– Try to Girlfriend Ann Coulter/KellyAnne Conway
– Get engaged to sex pest Ryan Lizza

And are just realising she’s a trash panda for having an affair with a married anti-vax Trumper

It’s on you

— T. Fisher King (@T_FisherKing) September 20, 2024

Seems this story deserves some greater scrutiny given tonight’s revelation about the author.

— Matt McDermott (@mattmfm) September 20, 2024

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