President Biden addressed the nation after withdrawing from the 2024 election

Last night, President Joe Biden addressed the country, three days following the announcement of his withdrawal from the 2024 election. The man is still getting over covid, but he quietly and effectively spoke with grace, class and integrity about how much he and his administration have done since 2021, and how he felt that his accomplishments merited a second term. He also acknowledged that something larger was at stake, and it was more important to defeat those fascist sh-theads no matter what (I’m paraphrasing).

President Biden is an American hero. Not only that, he engineered his withdrawal to simultaneously throw his support and campaign apparatus to Vice President Kamala Harris, even as people within his own party were undertaking maneuvers against both of them. My disgust at how those people treated Biden was never about Kamala Harris – I always saw her as Biden’s political heiress, which is why I felt such panic that the coup against Biden was also about passing over Harris.

For all of those people arguing that this is all old news and we need to unify behind Harris and nevermind all of the sh-t that went down after the June debate… nope. I am unifying behind Harris, absolutely. But I’m absolutely dreading the day when President Harris is in the White House and she makes a mistake or a tough-but-unpopular call or her poll numbers go down. Will her party have her back? Or will they pull this sh-t again? Democrats did this to a sitting president – a white man – who brought back working-class Rust Belt voters to the party. WTF will they do to Harris if the donors decide that they’re not happy with her?

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You know Dr. Jill Biden is pissed as hell too.

To those who never wavered, to those who refused to doubt, to those who always believed, my heart is full of gratitude.

Thank you for the trust you put in Joe—now it’s time to put that trust in Kamala.


— Dr. Jill Biden (@DrBiden) July 25, 2024

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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