Popeye Spinach bubble gum looks green and tastes like citrus — but not like spinach

When I was a kid, the adults I trusted said that if I ate all of my vegetables, I would grow up to be “big and strong.”

It was a lie.

As my friends shot up like weeds, I remember their mothers saying, “Stefano, don’t worry, you’ll have a growth spurt one of these days!”

That day never came. I’m 5-foot-6 (on a good day).

I don’t hold the veggies responsible. In fact, I love vegetables, particularly spinach — so much so that I eat a bowl of it every day.

So when a package of spinach bubble gum arrived in the mail a few days ago, of course I was willing to give it a try. King Features Syndicate, which counts Popeye the Sailor Man among its many brands, has partnered with Bubblegum Kids to make the gum.

Bubblegum Kids, maker of flavors including Theo’s Wacky Watermelon and Hannah’s Frozen Banana, is taking preorders at https://bubblegumkids.com and says the gum will reach buyers in mid-August.

If you didn’t know, Tuesday happens to be National Fresh Spinach Day. And in case you needed one more reason to devour a bowl of the leafy greens this week: 2024 marks the 95th anniversary of Popeye’s debut in the comic strip Thimble Theatre.

The little pieces of sugar-free gum are certainly green — like pesto or the mulch at the bottom of the lawnmower grass bag.

“Made with real spinach!” the packaging boasts.

A package of Bubblegum Kids Popeye Spinach gum — goes on sale in August.

But the taste?

Hmmm … intensely sweet, tongue-tingly, citrusy. But not — to my taste buds — a hint of spinach, even though the ingredients include “spinach powder.”

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On the other hand, it doesn’t wilt or need refrigeration and has a shelf life of two years.

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