‘They inspire in us both a sense of awe and an acute sense of loss’

‘What explains the genius of the American founders?’

Gordon S. Wood at The Washington Post 

Americans are “bound to look back at the Founding Fathers” with “somewhat different feelings from those we formerly had,” says Gordon S. Wood. Historians “diminish them, seeing them as seriously flawed in matters of race, social equality and the role of women.” They “did think of themselves as aristocrats,” but “when we set aside our present-minded criticism of the Founders’ backwardness, it is difficult to deny the originality of their thought and the creativity of their politics.”

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‘I wasn’t allowed a smartphone until I was 16. I can’t thank my parents enough.’

Christine Schueckler at USA Today

Deleting Instagram was a “great choice. I don’t miss it,” says Christine Schueckler. Her generation is the “first to grow up alongside the digital world, which has stunted us in undeniable ways.” Did Schueckler “sometimes feel left out because I wasn’t ‘plugged in’ to the internet as a child and adolescent? Of course.” But “I credit my parents’ rules and guidelines for proper internet use with my positive relationship with the internet today.”

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‘Supreme Court immunity ruling means more than a delay of the Trump trial. It could make future despots untouchable.’

The Boston Globe editorial board 

The Supreme Court’s immunity ruling on Donald Trump also gives future presidents “who seek to abuse the office of the presidency for their own benefit, a road map of how to do so,” says The Boston Globe editorial board. The ruling “not only places a firm thumb on the scales of justice in Trump’s favor but also turns the office of the presidency into a virtual haven for future despots,” and its danger is “staring us in the face.”

  The Week Unwrapped: what has the Pope got to do with climate change?

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‘Pat Tillman will be turning in his grave as royal traitor Harry is honored in his name’

Piers Morgan at the New York Post 

Pat Tillman is “an American hero,” while Prince Harry is a “man who gave up serving his country to serve himself,” says Piers Morgan. But Harry has “inexplicably been chosen to be this year’s recipient of the annual memorial award established in Pat Tillman’s name for service.” But the “notion that he in any way ‘echoes the legacy’ of Pat Tillman is a sick joke,” and it’s “hard to think of anyone less suited.”

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