John Phillips: California needs an intervention before it completely destroys itself

Californians are in an abusive relationship with the Democrat party.  California is like the battered wife who says, “Yes, he hits me, but sometimes I deserve it.”

What California needs is an intervention.  California needs to walk into a room and see Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Nevada sitting in a circle, and have Nevada say, “California, we’re here because we love you.  Sit down.  We need to talk.”

According to a new poll, most Californians believe their economy is bad, that housing is unaffordable, and that the state’s Assembly and Governor are bad.  But if the election were held today all the incumbents would be re-elected.

I’ve heard of grading on a curve, but this is ridiculous.

In a survey just released by the Public Policy Institute of California, only 44 percent of likely voters approve of the job of California Governor Gavin Newsom. The number for the state legislature is even more pathetic, with 40 percent approval…and get this, almost 4 in 10 Democrats disapprove of their own member. Overall, 62 percent said they felt the state was going in the wrong direction.

Almost 7 in 10 Californians expect bad economic times in the next year.  Pessimism is highest in the Central Valley and Orange/San Diego, at 72 percent each.

A majority of Californians say the cost of housing places at least a little financial strain on them and their families, those numbers ran highest in LA County and among residents earning less than $40,000.

Even Joe Biden didn’t fare well, with only 42 percent of voters giving him high marks.

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While Californians have correctly identified that the condition of the state is horrid, they’re not mad enough to start voting differently.

If the election were held today Biden would beat Trump in California by 24 points.  That alone is grounds for a conservatorship. Jamie Spears, please pick up the white courtesy phone.

Newsom is barred from running for reelection due to voter-imposed term limits, but is there any doubt that if he could run for reelection he would win in a landslide?

Every member of the State Assembly will be on the ballot this November, as will half of the State Senate, and an overwhelming majority will be re-elected.

Every election year Californians are told, “This time it’s going to be different.”  And every time, our hopes and dreams are crushed.  What are we, Angels’ fans?

It doesn’t do any good to tell a pollster that you’re disappointed in how your state is being run if you’re not willing to change your behavior at the ballot box, too.

Just look at the outcry that took place after a pro-Palestinian protest held outside a Los Angeles synagogue devolved into full on pogrom.

Everyone and their brother criticized the violent, and religiously motivated attack, including President Joe Biden.

But many of these same people will turn around and vote for Democratic Socialists of America-endorsed candidates for Los Angeles City Council, as the ranks of DSA members is expected to increase in that body this November.

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Just so we are clear as to where the DSA stands on Israel, not long after news broke of the attack in Israel, the DSA very vocally blamed the violence on Israel. “Today’s events are a direct result of Israel’s apartheid regime — a regime that receives billions in funding from the United States,” the group tweeted.

The group also hosted a rally in New York where agitators cheered the attacks and chanted antisemitic slurs.

If LA elects more politicians with that political worldview, do you think we are more likely or less likely to see nasty attacks on Jewish places of worship?

Maybe we should make Election Day a three-day weekend holiday, so everyone’s at the beach and nobody votes.

We can be mad about the condition of our state all we want.  Unless and until we start voting for Republicans, don’t expect a different result.

John Phillips can be heard weekdays from noon to 3 p.m. on “The John Phillips Show” on KABC/AM 790.

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