‘If the election is thrown to the House, 2024 could be a watershed year for American democracy’

‘A Trump-Biden tie would be a political nightmare — but maybe a boon to democracy’

Joshua Zeitz at Politico

Americans are wringing their hands over whether President Joe Biden or Donald Trump will win in November, says Joshua Zeitz. “But there’s one what-if Americans aren’t paying enough attention to.” What if they tie in the Electoral College? It’s “entirely plausible.” Republicans would control enough state delegations to crown Trump. But that could trigger a “wave of populist democratic outrage” and prompt “long-stalled political reforms” they wouldn’t like, such as Supreme Court term limits and abolishing the Electoral College.

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‘Democrats shouldn’t smile about Haley voters shunning Trump. Biden isn’t exactly beloved.’

Sara Pequeño in USA Today

Many Republican primary voters are registering their unhappiness with Trump, says Sara Pequeño. Nikki Haley has dropped out of the race but she still got 20% of the vote in Maryland’s primary this week, and 18% in Nevada’s. But Democrats shouldn’t get “too giddy.” Polls indicate that “1 in 6 voters have ‘unfavorable views’ of both” Trump and Biden. “There are probably a few Haley voters who will move to Biden, but it’s doubtful that it’ll be enough to move the needle.”

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‘The Tea Party is not dead — it’s evolving’

Erick Erickson and Akash Chougule at National Review

Many people have been declaring the Tea Party to be dead, say Erick Erickson and Akash Chougule. But the “idea that the Republican grassroots has abandoned the limited-government and free-enterprise principles at the heart of the movement” is “nonsense.” The movement is just evolving. It was “started to fight back against big government,” and is now taking on today’s battles, like fighting “for a secure border and traditional values,” while continuing to pursue its original goals. 

  Cicada-geddon: the fungus that controls insects like 'zombies'

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‘Florida just picked the wrong kind of meat to ban’

Arthur L. Caplan and Jeff Sebo in the Los Angeles Times

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (R) are “wrong about cell-cultivated meat,” say Arthur L. Caplan and Jeff Sebo. Both signed laws making “meat grown in a lab rather than stripped from a factory-farmed animal” a misdemeanor. DeSantis declared the law a blow against elites determined to force people to “eat meat grown in a petri dish.” But lab-grown meat could be “part of a humane” and “sustainable future food system.” 

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