Letters: Reconsider rate hike

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CPUC should reconsider
PG&E rate hike

Re: “PG&E request OK’d, hiking bills yet again” (Page B1, March 9).

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It was outrageous when the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) voted unanimously to allow PG&E to raise rates again on customers, which will take effect in April.

PG&E claims that it needs to raise rates in order to pay for wildfire mitigation projects. It is shameful what PG&E is doing to its customers in order to make a profit. When rates jump higher next month, they will be too much for the majority of customers in the state. They should not be punished for PG&E’s mishandling of the wildfires in Northern California.

I urge the CPUC commissioners to reconsider their position on allowing PG&E to raise rates on customers.

Billy Trice Jr.

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