5 balanced breakfast ideas to help maximize health benefits

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We’ve all heard this platitude since childhood, but is there actual scientific evidence to support it? Plus, with so many options at the grocery store, what constitutes a balanced breakfast?

Breakfast is exactly what it sounds like, the break of a fast. During a fast, the body relies on glycogen stored in the liver to keep blood sugar levels stable. Extended periods without eating can also cause skeletal muscle to be broken down and used for energy. Breaking your overnight fast with a morning meal fuels your body and brain and helps preserve lean muscle while potentially protecting against unwanted increases in body fat.

Eating breakfast can help regulate hunger, leading to reduced snacking and cravings throughout the day. In the short term, skipping breakfast can lead to reduced energy levels, concentration and mental well-being. In the long term, missing breakfast may negatively impact metabolism, hormone levels and even heart health. Considering that breakfast helps support a healthy metabolism while managing hunger, it’s fair to say that breakfast can be an important part of a plan for weight management and overall wellness.

While the best timing of breakfast likely depends on individual factors that affect your body’s circadian rhythm like sleep and exercise, an early breakfast (between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m.) may help improve blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Plus, breakfast eaters generally are more likely to have good cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

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However, the benefits of breakfast are likely tied less to timing and more to what’s actually for breakfast. It appears that choosing a high protein breakfast over a high carbohydrate breakfast improves satiety or satisfaction after eating even when calorie amounts are the same. While skipping breakfast may not directly result in weight gain, enjoying a high-protein breakfast can help support long-term fat loss and muscle preservation goals. Because protein promotes fullness, it helps control appetite, curb cravings and reduce overeating.

Carbohydrates that contain fiber are ideal for breakfast as they provide longer-lasting energy to start the day. Opt for good fiber sources like oats, oat bran, whole grain toast, berries, fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

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Here are five nourishing and balanced breakfast ideas that are high in protein and fiber:

Muesli with Plain Yogurt and Berries: Top a serving of muesli with plain Greek yogurt or skyr, fresh berries and a splash of milk.

Egg White and Vegetable Frittata: Cook egg whites in a pan with veggies like tomato, spinach, bell pepper, broccoli and herbs.

Cottage Cheese with Apples, Walnuts and Cinnamon: Top low-fat cottage cheese with sliced apple, walnuts and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

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Tofu Scramble and Spinach Wrap: Sauté soft or silken tofu and a few handfuls of fresh spinach with spices like turmeric and garlic; serve scrambled tofu in a whole grain tortilla.

Eggs Poached in Tomato Sauce with Black Beans: Simmer tomato sauce in a large pan to poach whole eggs. Add drained and rinsed black beans to the tomato sauce.

LeeAnn Weintraub, MPH, RD is a registered dietitian, providing nutrition counseling and consulting to individuals, families and organizations. She can be reached by email at RD@halfacup.com.

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